Another Forever Knight

God! Will the night never end. It is the slow season and boy, is the night dragging.
It stretches on for an eternity as I battle to keep myself alert. Things are especially difficult since the hotel is under construction.
The Snails that call themselves contractors have been taking forever(2 months) resurfacing the ceiling in our covered parking lot and now... they started work on our lobby.
They have taken down the front doors and wall of the lobby and it is freezing in here. The weather has dropped into the low 40's which for Southern California is cold. I also feel unprotected and unsafe not having doors I can lock at night. But, what can I do, I need the pay check.
My manager said I am getting reviewed soon and will probably get a pay raise because I am so reliable and hard working (nice to hear).
He is not sure when the lobby will be done though. I had to give him a wake up call at 5am yesterday so that he could go down to city hall and arrange for the building inspector to show up and review the work being done. Apparently the snails can not proceed with the work until it gets a go ahead from the inspector.
There are only 13 inspectors and according to my GM, they are backlogged. He has been bugging them daily to speed up the process so that we don't continue to freeze our asses off. Especially me since the weather is at it's coldest during my shift.
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