Thursday, May 03, 2007

Time Passes

Time has come and gone.

It has been a long time since I last posted. We are already into a new year, my promise of updating this thing more frequently has failed, and much has happened and yet things are the same.

Last time I posted, I mentioned the construction. All is currently over until some new renovation project needs to be done.

My relief auditor has left for several months. His Grandma is sick and dying and he was asked by his family to come home. I am going week 2 without a day off. Fatigue is starting to set in not to mention I could use a day off to do my laundry.

Luckily a new relief auditor had been hired, and lucky me, he has experience. I have briefly met and spoke with him and I have high hopes. So far, it looks like my GM is going to give me weekends off. I am so happy since I hate working Saturdays. I could have had Fridays off as well, but I like the little bit of O.T I get when the Saturday morning people show up late. It also gives me time to spend with my roomies kid on her day off from school.

My roommates daughter is turning 7yrs old this month. God!! How fast they grow up. With the hours I work, I feel as if I am missing her childhood.

I am still into wet-shaving, I recently bought an E-Shave pure badger brush for $25. I have to say, I like it better than my more expensive higher grade brushes. It is a little prickly, but not as much as my Crab-Tree and Evelyn's travel brush, or cheap Tweezerman. The thing whips up both creams and soap like no tomorrow within seconds. I have also bought a variety pack of razor blades from a person named LetterK and I have to say I love the Indian made blades from Derby. Sharp without being dangerously so, and smooth. Using a Schick Krona, I got five shaves out of one blade. I am now testing it in my Merkur HD.

Well, till I next post.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Another Forever Knight

God! Will the night never end. It is the slow season and boy, is the night dragging.

It stretches on for an eternity as I battle to keep myself alert. Things are especially difficult since the hotel is under construction.

The Snails that call themselves contractors have been taking forever(2 months) resurfacing the ceiling in our covered parking lot and now... they started work on our lobby.

They have taken down the front doors and wall of the lobby and it is freezing in here. The weather has dropped into the low 40's which for Southern California is cold. I also feel unprotected and unsafe not having doors I can lock at night. But, what can I do, I need the pay check.

My manager said I am getting reviewed soon and will probably get a pay raise because I am so reliable and hard working (nice to hear).

He is not sure when the lobby will be done though. I had to give him a wake up call at 5am yesterday so that he could go down to city hall and arrange for the building inspector to show up and review the work being done. Apparently the snails can not proceed with the work until it gets a go ahead from the inspector.

There are only 13 inspectors and according to my GM, they are backlogged. He has been bugging them daily to speed up the process so that we don't continue to freeze our asses off. Especially me since the weather is at it's coldest during my shift.

Monday, November 27, 2006

What am I your Slave Mr. Uberman?

Boy, has it been a long time since I posted. I keep meaning to, but I guess I am just plum lazy. If anybody is reading this and interested, I am sorry. I hope to be more vigilant in the future.

I have been reading the writings of an interesting Night Auditor at You may want to check it out. The hotel this guy worked at really liked to screw their employees.

Me, most things have been same old, same old. I do get frustrated from the jackasses (I'm sorry, I should be be more professional and call them Guests) that stay at my hotel.

A couple of nights ago, a Male guest(German) with 3 guy friends and what looked like their hooker came to my door at 2:30am asking if I knew where a liquor store was located nearby. I informed him the nearest place that would be open had liquor at this time was a drugstore a couple blocks west of us, but they probably won't sell it at such a late hour due to California law having a cut off time for when businesses can sell booze.

He then asked if we had something in the room. I told him no we don't. He said "OK!" and the group went to his room.

10 minutes later the Nazi who I will refer to has Mr. Uberman called me down in the lobby and said in a demanding voice, "Look! You will go get me some drinks and bring them to my room."

Me: "No! We don't have any liquor on the premises, but like I informed you, there is a 24hour drugstore nearby that does has liquor, but they may not sell it at this hour. They do have other non-alcoholic beverages and we have a soda machine next to the elevator on the second floor."

Mr. Uberman: Listen to me! I am giving you money and you will go out and get me and my acquaintances drinks.

Me: (full of anger, I am not your fucking slave boy asshole.) Listen to Me! That is not part of my job duties. I do not have liquor and I do not leave the Hotel property to run personal errands! We have a soda machine by the elevator on the second floor, or YOU can go to the pharmacy I mentioned and try your luck their!

Mr. Uberman: OK. I'm sorry. (phone goes click)

I do not like to be told what to do. I get paid to do my job as a Night Auditor, not to be your slave and be ordered around by Mr. Uberman and is like. I hope he dies and goes to hell to serve Hitler for the rest of his existence.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fuck This!

Oy! I have to work on my day off.

My relief Night Auditor called me this morning asking if I could take his place tonight. He needed to pickup his girlfriend in the morning. Me and my fucking good heart said, "sure".

I was really looking forward to the night off. I was going to have a little barbecue for myself, roommate and her daughter, do laundry and watch South Park and Prison Break. But of course those plans were to be thrown in the trash because I need to get at least 6-8 hours sleep before going to work.

I should have said fuck you, but I am a nice guy.

As you can tell, I hate being asked at the last minute to report to work, especially when the person requesting me to work in his place knew way in advance that he needed the night off.

Fuck You and fuck your girlfreind, I wanted the night off. I never call in sick or take time off. I schedule my life around my work schedule. Why can't other people, and why am I so fucking hospitable. I am a stupid fuck.

OK, that is my rant for the night.

Oh yeah, some fat ass ed bitch came to complain that our vending machine was out of bottled water and I needed to get her some bottled water. Do I look like the vending company? I told her we do not have any and we will need to contact the vending company in the morning. She was pissed. (FUCK HER!)

I explained the Carl's Jr. across the street sells bottled water, and 2 blocks from us there is a 24 hour pharmacy as well. She still was not happy. Fat ass ed lazy bitch can't walk across the street for a bottle of water, well "FUCK HER."

That is all my ranting for the night.

Pleasant Dreams folks.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Two More Typical Nights

I had a typical couple of nights.

Last night, Saturday around midnight, I had a large group of people who returned from a wedding making a lot of noise and waking up guests. Luckily, they apologized and went straight to their rooms.

At about 5:30 in the morning, I received a call from our breakfast person stating that she was not coming in because she missed her bus. I called our head of house keeping relaying the message and locked up our lobby and set up the breakfast room myself. I really suck at the job since I do not know where anything is kept and where everything is supposed to be displayed. Luckily our head of housekeeping arrived 10 minutes before the room was supposed to be opened and they finished up. She said I did O.K and I returned to the lobby to see if anybody needed to check out.

Tonight was mostly uneventful except some new idiots that are staying with us on the second floor were waking up other guests. I told them to shut up or check out. I informed the complaining guests to call me if there were any further issues. So far there were none.

Ever since I was robbed, I have become moodier and will not tolerate inconsiderate assholes disturbing people who want to sleep. I especially hate being disturbed regarding these jerks and having to get them to quiet down. I don't get payed much and do not need some drunken idiot to give me a hard time.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Long Time No See.

I know…. It has been a long time since I posted. A lot has happened. I have dealt with the usual drunken idiot and all, but the part that was bad was a few weeks ago.

I was robbed.

It was the first time I have ever experienced anything like this. This person comes into the lobby while I am doing my audit at 3am and asks if I could give him change for a dollar.

I say sure, no problem. I open the cash drawer and reach for some quarters when the person says give me all of that cash or I am going to shoot you.

I see he has his right hand in his jacket as if he has a gun, and I respond “What?”

He says, “Give me the money or I will shoot you.”

I stupidly respond, “Can I see your gun?”

He says, “Do you want to die?”

I respond, “I don’t care.”

He says, “Do you have family? Won’t they miss you if you’re dead?”

I say, “I have life insurance and am worth more dead.”

Him: “Give me the money.”

Me: “I’d rather not. We are being video recorded; I think it would be better if you just leave.”

Him: “I will come back there and kill you.”

Me: “You can’t; the door is locked. Will you show me your gun?”

Him: “I will jump over the counter and pistol whip you.”

Me: “I want to see your gun.”

Him: “I will kill you, give me the money.”

Me: “I’d rather not; I do not want to risk losing my job. I cannot afford it. I do not want family to wind of homeless (I thought playing the sympathy card may get him to leave). Shoot me if you need, I am worth more dead.”

He looks at me as if I’m crazy and says. “You are not going to lose your job, and they (the hotel) will not make you pay back the money, but I will kill you if you do not give me the money.”

Me: “I’m going to call the cops.” I walk over to the phone and proceed to dial 911.

The robber reaches over the counter, pushes open the cash drawer, and grabs about $45 in 5-dollar bills. I reach over and try to slam the drawer on his hand but am to slow. He runs out the door and down the street.

I speak with the 911 operator and they dispatch the police.

I have been repeatedly told and lectured that I was stupid and should not have argued and just given him the money without asking questions.

I agree, that is the advice I would have given someone in my place, but I was not thinking at the time and just reacting to the situation.

I am only now grasping the reality of the situation and have been jumpy the last couple of weeks.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Emergency 911


Guest came (RM# 215 Acct# 224219) into lobby requesting I call 911. Her husband appeared to be having a Diabetic seizure. I called 911. Paramedics are being dispatched.

Paramedics arrive. Guest led paramedics to her husband.

Ambulance arrived.

Paramedics and Ambulance left without guest's husband.

I spoke to the guest. I asked how her husband is doing. The paramedics gave him an I.V. of glucose. He is OK now and will be checking out later. Amazing how quickly the human body can bounce back from such a severe reaction.

This is the second time in 4 weeks I have had to call 911. The last time was due to a guest calling in scared that her daughter was in a coma. I do not know what the results were with that incident because my manager came in and sent me home to get some rest.

Other than that, I spent the night quietly running 10 year old documents through a paper shredder.