Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fuck This!

Oy! I have to work on my day off.

My relief Night Auditor called me this morning asking if I could take his place tonight. He needed to pickup his girlfriend in the morning. Me and my fucking good heart said, "sure".

I was really looking forward to the night off. I was going to have a little barbecue for myself, roommate and her daughter, do laundry and watch South Park and Prison Break. But of course those plans were to be thrown in the trash because I need to get at least 6-8 hours sleep before going to work.

I should have said fuck you, but I am a nice guy.

As you can tell, I hate being asked at the last minute to report to work, especially when the person requesting me to work in his place knew way in advance that he needed the night off.

Fuck You and fuck your girlfreind, I wanted the night off. I never call in sick or take time off. I schedule my life around my work schedule. Why can't other people, and why am I so fucking hospitable. I am a stupid fuck.

OK, that is my rant for the night.

Oh yeah, some fat ass ed bitch came to complain that our vending machine was out of bottled water and I needed to get her some bottled water. Do I look like the vending company? I told her we do not have any and we will need to contact the vending company in the morning. She was pissed. (FUCK HER!)

I explained the Carl's Jr. across the street sells bottled water, and 2 blocks from us there is a 24 hour pharmacy as well. She still was not happy. Fat ass ed lazy bitch can't walk across the street for a bottle of water, well "FUCK HER."

That is all my ranting for the night.

Pleasant Dreams folks.


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