More Incidents to Complain About.

A man walks into the front desk area (said his name is Jean Pierre) @ approx 5am. Claims he locked his car keys in Room # 222. Room is registered to "*". He said that the guest is not responding to phone calls on her cell or when I have patched him to the room earlier. I called the room a few times, flashed the msg light and left a voicemail on behalf of Jean Pierre. No one is picking up the phone in the room or responding to the knocking of the man.
He wondered if I could go into the room and get his keys with him or let him in. I informed him I couldn’t without consent of the guest or her letting him in herself due to legal liability.
He asked if I could call the police. I told him unless it is an emergency, “I would not”. Guest called SMPD from his cell phone. They informed him there was nothing they could do as well.
Guest asked for a copy of our policy. I told him I do not know where it is or if we have an official printed one, but there are privacy and breaking and entering laws that everybody must follow, I do not wish to be an accessory to a possible crime.
I also asked him, how do I know the keys are his? He said I could watch him turn the car on with the keys. Again, I would need proof the vehicle is his and registered in his name. I also do not wish to intrude in the guest’s room uninvited.
I wound up taking Jean Pierre’s phone number (###-###-####) with a note for the guest to leave the keys at the front desk for him. He also took my name plus both Manager's business cards.
I sympathise with the predicament, but the guy was mad I would not let him in the room. How do I know he does not want to kill the girl.
These are the type of incidents I need to deal with. Yesterday a woman complained about us charging room tax. I told her we are not happy about the tax either but this is what the city extorts. She said it is wrong we charge it. I told her that is the law and we have no choice and she should complain to the city. She still seems convinced that the tax goes in our pocket. (Why do people think everybody lies to them and rips them off?)
Another example. The other night a woman walks in look for a room for the night. I inform her that we are sold out. She does not believe me. I told her, that we are in the business to sell rooms to make money. What reason would I have to lie to her. She then bullshits that she knows people that own this hotel and people who work here and knows for a fact we have rooms available. I basically responded by saying, "Who is lying now?" She threated to start knocking on windows to see if some rooms were indeed occupied. I told her that if she does this, I will call the police. She said she knows people in the force and told me to go ahead. I did, while speaking to a desk officer on the phone, she walked out the door.
She has less to gain from calling me a liar and then lie herself, because now if I ever do have rooms available and she comes in for one, I will tell her yes I have rooms, but I will not rent one to her.
Ah! The excitement that breaks the monotony.
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