I know…. It has been a long time since I posted. A lot has happened. I have dealt with the usual drunken idiot and all, but the part that was bad was a few weeks ago.
I was robbed.
It was the first time I have ever experienced anything like this. This person comes into the lobby while I am doing my audit at 3am and asks if I could give him change for a dollar.
I say sure, no problem. I open the cash drawer and reach for some quarters when the person says give me all of that cash or I am going to shoot you.
I see he has his right hand in his jacket as if he has a gun, and I respond “What?”
He says, “Give me the money or I will shoot you.”
I stupidly respond, “Can I see your gun?”
He says, “Do you want to die?”
I respond, “I don’t care.”
He says, “Do you have family? Won’t they miss you if you’re dead?”
I say, “I have life insurance and am worth more dead.”
Him: “Give me the money.”
Me: “I’d rather not. We are being video recorded; I think it would be better if you just leave.”
Him: “I will come back there and kill you.”
Me: “You can’t; the door is locked. Will you show me your gun?”
Him: “I will jump over the counter and pistol whip you.”
Me: “I want to see your gun.”
Him: “I will kill you, give me the money.”
Me: “I’d rather not; I do not want to risk losing my job. I cannot afford it. I do not want family to wind of homeless (I thought playing the sympathy card may get him to leave). Shoot me if you need, I am worth more dead.”
He looks at me as if I’m crazy and says. “You are not going to lose your job, and they (the hotel) will not make you pay back the money, but I will kill you if you do not give me the money.”
Me: “I’m going to call the cops.” I walk over to the phone and proceed to dial 911.
The robber reaches over the counter, pushes open the cash drawer, and grabs about $45 in 5-dollar bills. I reach over and try to slam the drawer on his hand but am to slow. He runs out the door and down the street.
I speak with the 911 operator and they dispatch the police.
I have been repeatedly told and lectured that I was stupid and should not have argued and just given him the money without asking questions.
I agree, that is the advice I would have given someone in my place, but I was not thinking at the time and just reacting to the situation.
I am only now grasping the reality of the situation and have been jumpy the last couple of weeks.