Time Passes

Time has come and gone.
It has been a long time since I last posted. We are already into a new year, my promise of updating this thing more frequently has failed, and much has happened and yet things are the same.
Last time I posted, I mentioned the construction. All is currently over until some new renovation project needs to be done.
My relief auditor has left for several months. His Grandma is sick and dying and he was asked by his family to come home. I am going week 2 without a day off. Fatigue is starting to set in not to mention I could use a day off to do my laundry.
Luckily a new relief auditor had been hired, and lucky me, he has experience. I have briefly met and spoke with him and I have high hopes. So far, it looks like my GM is going to give me weekends off. I am so happy since I hate working Saturdays. I could have had Fridays off as well, but I like the little bit of O.T I get when the Saturday morning people show up late. It also gives me time to spend with my roomies kid on her day off from school.
My roommates daughter is turning 7yrs old this month. God!! How fast they grow up. With the hours I work, I feel as if I am missing her childhood.
I am still into wet-shaving, I recently bought an E-Shave pure badger brush for $25. I have to say, I like it better than my more expensive higher grade brushes. It is a little prickly, but not as much as my Crab-Tree and Evelyn's travel brush, or cheap Tweezerman. The thing whips up both creams and soap like no tomorrow within seconds. I have also bought a variety pack of razor blades from a person named LetterK and I have to say I love the Indian made blades from Derby. Sharp without being dangerously so, and smooth. Using a Schick Krona, I got five shaves out of one blade. I am now testing it in my Merkur HD.
Well, till I next post.